I was asked to explain yesterday why divorcing couples insist on engaging solicitors. Would it not be easier if people sorted these things out for themselves?
I had time to think this over whilst I was doing a triathlon yesterday. Triathlons give you the chance to compete in three sports in one event – the only downside is the rather stressful “transition” area, which involves changing shoes at breakneck speed.
What is the role of a family law solicitor? A client engages a solicitor, and usually pays them for each one tenth of an hour they spend on their case. They usually need their expert legal representation, through a difficult period of life. Quite often, the negotiations to agree on a settlement take time, maybe months, until a solution is reached.
Cases, and clients evolve over time. The client I greet at the outset of a case is very different to the person I am meeting 6 months down the line. Their lives move on, and their approach to the case and their goals will change. They too are in a period of transition, not just to change into the right shoes, but often, changing almost every aspect of their lives.
I believe it is for this reason that so many people feel that they need the support of a divorce lawyer during their relationship breakdown. The work that I do makes me uniquely trained to provide tailored legal advice needed when a life is in transition. The specific advice that individual needs will not be found on a search engine. They need access to legal experience and expertise.
There are some couples who are able to agree on what to do for the best without needing the help of a solicitor to negotiate the deal, and instead, I will be instructed by one of them to prepare the agreement for a court to look over. I am not sure how they fit into my triathlon analogy. Perhaps they have already finished and just need a print out of their results?
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