Free download of our income needs calculator (to help fill out Form E)

When a relationship ends, a couple may need to apply to court to impose a financial order if they are unable to reach agreement on how to split their finances. This might include, for example:

– one-off payments,

– regular maintenance for children or spouses,

– dividing up of pensions, and

– division of assets (including properties).

As part of the process for applying to court, both parties will need to make full financial disclosure about their financial position, and their needs. This is done using the (in)famous “Form E” (which can be found here) which must be provided to the court and the other party no later than 35 days before the first court appointment. We would always recommend that those who have complicated financial affairs take legal advice before completing the form.

We find that it is very helpful for our clients to complete a income needs calculator which will assist them when filling out their Form E and providing a comprehensive income needs schedule. We have made this form freely available for download here (pdf format).

We can assist clients in putting forward a positive financial case when completing their Form E, in order to ensure that their best position is put forward. We can normally add significant value to a client’s claim when we help put their Form E together.

Form E Budget Planner

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