International Clients

For international clients

We advise international clients from our offices in Milton Keynes. You may be living overseas as an ex-pat or a trailing spouse.  You may be residing in England and Wales for a temporary period, or perhaps you have relocated here with your spouse and family.

We represent clients living all over the world in respect of the resolution of their family law issues in this jurisdiction, England and Wales.  We offer our clients our experience of day to day dealing with complex international family law issues.

International divorce and end-of-relationship planning:

If you are contemplating ending your relationship, and you live an international lifestyle, you need to understand your legal landscape. We can advise you on whether you are entitled to divorce in this jurisdiction, and whether this is in your best interests.  We will help you seek legal advice in other jurisdictions to ensure that you use the most appropriate legal system. 

Our clients frequently hold overseas assets which are dealt with as part of a financial settlement on divorce.  We have the expertise to advise you how our courts deal with these assets, and will direct you to our international legal partners to seek advice in different jurisdictions.  We will work together with lawyers across the world to produce the best outcomes for our clients.


You may have issues relating to difficulties agreeing where your children should live after separation.  This can be made more complex if you are living in different countries, or if your children are now living in a different country to you.  You may need to act urgently, if you learn that your former partner is planning to remove your children to another country.  We can assist you in taking the right action, at the right time.

Before the event planning

If you live or are planning to live an international lifestyle with your spouse or family, consider the benefits of planning in advance.

Are you intending to have children in a foreign country? This may result in limitations being placed upon you and your children about the country in which you can live in the event of separation.

You may wish to consider entering a pre-marital agreement.  We can advise you on this rapidly changing area of law. 

Contacting us

We can arrange meetings by telephone or by video chat using Microsoft Teams.

Read about our blog on expat divorce law here: The international posting: expat divorces

We advice on international family law and divorce issues from our office in central Milton Keynes

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  1. Pingback: Can I Enforce UK Child Maintenance If My Ex Lives Abroad - REMO?

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